Wednesday, February 4, 2015




Propagation, Utilisation and management technology of Bamboo

 DATE: MARCH 5TH  & 6TH 2015



Major forests in East Africa face major challenges from the ever-increasing demands of growing population and the unsustainable management and utilization. The need to conserve the existing forest resources has greatly influenced the production of wood whose demand is increasing. Over-time bamboo resource cover has undergone changes largely through clearing to provide clear areas for plantations, cultivation and settlement developments. The area under bamboo is therefore presently much smaller and, may be only be a small fraction of what was there by the third decade of the last century.

While bamboos have been used by human beings all around the world for thousands of years, the plant’s potential to be a substitute for slower-growing wood species in a vast number of modern commercial uses has only recently been recognized and the development of applications and markets is receiving increasing emphasis. However, bamboo contribution in environmental conservation, remediation, and restoration, climate change mitigation, community and human livelihood development, is most unique of plant species and is usually underestimated.  Bamboo has the potential to contribute to socio economic, cultural and political development at the local, national and international level.

Bamboo being a multipurpose, eco-friendly crop abundantly available, yet an underutilized natural resource, needs to be managed and exploited for sustainable use. Bamboo is conceived as a thrust area in the industrial development of the rural areas for economic, ecological and cultural security of the people in many countries. This precious resource needs to be tapped as an industrial raw material, as substitute for wood in rural/urban housing, engineering works, and handicraft, furniture through value additions by the relevant experts. Renewed application of bamboo into livelihood and cultural development of rural communities will transform rural living into creative enterprises. Undoubtedly bamboo can revolutionize and transform the rural economy of the state by creating employment opportunities for large number of people and making countryside living attractive, healthy and sustainable. There is vast expanse of bamboo forests in Kenya which is currently underutilized. There is inadequate technical information particularly on the local bamboo resource, which should guide management, harvesting, marketing and utilization. Compounding these challenges is the fact that dissemination of this information is limited.

The primary focus of the workshop is to identify and establish bamboo as a substitute timber material suitable for the production of bamboo flooring, plywood, charcoal, and biofuel with export potential, which will greatly support and promote the advancement of bamboo technology and the development of bamboo industry in Kenya.

The Forestry Society of Kenya therefore intends to bring together foresters to explore a number of interventions needed to support the development of bamboo sector. Participants will be imparted with technologies on bamboo biology, bamboo propagation and management, processing/value addition and bamboo utilization by various bamboo experts in Kenya.

Expected outputs
·         Enhanced rehabilitation of existing bamboo plantations in Kenya
·         Generate livelihood and employment opportunities.
·         Disseminated technology on bamboo propagation for country side development
·         Support demands of bamboo users/industries for an increased supply in market
·         Enhanced bamboo resources as an alternative to timber in Kenya and thus reduce the pressure on the natural timber forest.
·         Sustainably managed bamboo resources in the country. 
·         Expanded bamboo nurseries and plantations

Overall Theme
“Propagation, Utilisation and management technology of Bamboo”
Workshop topics
  1. Bamboo biology and ecology 
  2. Bamboo forest management and protection
  3. Bamboo processing/value addition and utilization.
  4. Contribution of bamboo to poverty alleviation and rural and national development
  5. The Potential of Bamboo Development and Future Cooperation
Workshop Details:
Date:- 5th & 6th March 2015
Venue:- Nairobi (Specific venue to be communicated)

Registration fee
The registration fee for the 2-day training workshop will be Ksh. 5000 per participant; this will cover the training package for the 2days.
The fee can be paid to MPESA PAYBILL NO. 340250, account no.- your full name

For enquiries/booking email/talk to our Executive officer;
Email:   Tel: 0721990892

So as to participate in the above activities, become a paid up member of FSK.
Application forms can be downloaded oMembership application form
To claim your CPD points registers on FSK Online CPD platform

The Secretariat: Forestry Society of Kenya (FSK)
P.O BOX 30513-00100; Nairobi Kenya:
Karura-Off Kiambu Road
Telephone: +254 721 990 892


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